A visionary by nature and an achiever by action along with abundance of passion. A futurist to the core, he has in-depth understanding of market dynamics that enables him to identify opportunities and turn them into business prospects. As the Head of Winmark Group of Companies, he is instrumental in developing policies, taking vital decisions and building relationship with top Indian R&D based pharmaceutical companies. His deeply rooted values coupled with out-of-the-box thought process and creativity has made Winmark being looked up to as the most dynamic healthcare organization.
- Founder/MD/CEO
Hasan Abidi

An Indian School of Pharmacy graduate, he is a thorough healthcare professional with experience across multiple healthcare domains like pharmaceutical marketing, health insurance etc. He unifies formal management tools and strategic business knowledge, much needed for a young and a dynamic entity. At Winmark, he is pivotal in making decisions related to formulations and development.
-Project Head
Javed Akhter
A Management graduate, she is carrying a rich experience in HR/industrial relations, gives Winmark a healthier environment to work. Capable of taking timely independent decisions and strategies, ensures a solid backend support to the organization.
Shahar Bano
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